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札幌医学雑誌 第86巻

総    説

  1. ウイルスとこども達

………………………………………………….. 堤  裕幸,要藤裕孝,堀    司,津川  毅,山本雅樹   (1-8)

  1. 地域医療総合医学講座の研究

………………………………………………………………..………..……………………….. 山本和利 (9-16)

原    著

  1. 無作為抽出された道内二市住民,40歳代から70歳代の抑うつ所見と

………………………………………………………………………………………….. 鈴木恵三,森    満(17-23)

  1. Factors related to depression among childcare worker; Cross-sectional study
    in Hokkaido, Japan

…………………Asae OURA, Miwa SUZUMURA, Michiyo YAMAMOTO, Hiroko YAKO-SUKETOMO,
………………………………Kayoko KATAYAMA, Asako TOKIZAWA, Tomoyo SATO, Mitsuru MORI (25-32)

  1. 開放隅角緑内障患者における視野障害進行因子の検討

……………………………..………………. 近藤みどり,梅田和志,稲富周一郎,大黒幾代,大黒 浩(33-43)

     4.Early expression of serum CCL8 closely correlates to non-relapse mortality after allogeneic
           hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
………………….…Masaki YAMAMOTO, Tsukasa HORI, Naoki HATAKEYAMA, Keita IGARASHI,
……………….……Natsuko INAZAWA, Nobuhiro SUZUKI, Norio TAKEI, Yoichi M. ITO,
…………………….……Kimikazu MATSUMOTO, Koji KATO, Hiroyuki TSUTSUMI, Yasuo KOKAI   (45-51)

  1. Comparisons of kinematics during stair motion in total  knee  arthroplasty:
    Single-radius versusJ-curved designs

………………….Yuichiro KII, Tetsuya TOMITA, Takaharu YAMAZAKI, Hideki YOSHIKAWA,
………………………….Hideki YOSHIKAWA,Toshihiko YAMASHITA, Kazuomi SUGAMOTO

     6. SIRT1 negatively regulates the expression of Prl2C3, a senescence-associated protein
………………………Kohei HORIMOTO, Risa KUNIMOTO, Risa HASHIMOTO, Naohiro UEDA,
……………….……Ryusuke HOSODA, Atsushi KUNO, Toshiharu YAMASHITA, Yoshiyuki HORIO (63-71)

  1. Acupuncture’s evidences: even slight stimuli could alter body functions, suggesting a “resetting” effect

…………………………………….………………………… Shougo MIZOGUCHI, Haruyuki TATSUMI (73-83)

  1. Are ADC histogram metrics repeatable?

………………………………… Koichi ONODERA, Naoya YAMA, Maki ONODERA, Naomi KOYAMA,
………………………..…… Yoshifusa KYUNA, Mitsuhiro NAKANISHI, Masamitsu HATAKENAKA (85-93)


  1. Toll-like receptor 7 is overexpressed in the bladder of Hunner type interstitial
    cystitis and its activation in the mouse bladder can induce cystitis and bladder pain.
    Pain. 2017; 158(8):1538-1545

…………………………………………………………………….………….……… Koji ICHIHARA et al.(96-97)

  1. Transplantation of Thy1+ cells accelerates liver regeneration by enhancing
    the growth of small hepatocyte-like progenitor cells via IL17RB Signaling.
    Stem Cells. 2017; 35: 920-931

……………………………………………………………….…………….…… Norihisa ICHINOHE et al.(98-99)

  1. MicroRNA-196b is an independent prognostic biomarker in  patients  with  pancreatic.

Carcinogenesis. 2017; 38(4): 425-431

………………………………………………………………….………….……… Shinichi KANNO et al.(100-101)

  1. The bicellular tensile force sorts the localization  of  LSRs  in  bicellular  and  tricellular junctions.

Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2017; 1397(1): 185-194

………………………………………………………………….…………….……Takayuki KOHNO et al.(102-103)

  1. Prolyl isomerase Pin1 promotes survival in EGFR-mutant lung
    adenocarcinoma cells with an epithelial-mesenchymal transition phenotype.
    Lab Invest. 2016; 96(4): 391-398

………………………………………………………………….……….……………… Yuji SAKUMA et al.(104-105)

  1. Chronic treatment with an erythropoietin receptor ligand prevents chronic kidney
    disease–induced enlargement of myocardial infarct size. Hypertension. 2016; 68(3): 697-706

………………………………………………………………….……….…………Keitaro NISHIZAWA et al.(106-107)

  1. Reduction of HbA1c levels by fucoxanthin-enriched akamoku oil possibly
    involves the thrifty allele of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1): a randomised
    controlled trial in normal-weight and obese Japanese adults.
    J Nutr Sci. 2017 Feb 14;6:e5.

…………………………………………………………………….…….……………… Nana MIKAMI et al.(108-109)

  1. Identification of a novel human memory T cell population with the characteristics
    of stem-like chemo-resistance.   OncoImmunology. 2016; 5:e1165376.

…………………………………………………………………….…….……………… Kenji MURATA et al. (110-111)


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