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札幌医学雑誌 第84巻

総    説

1.札幌医科大学における 38 年間の研究について

…………………………………………………………………………………………… 山下利春   (1-5)


………………………………………… 平塚博義,宮崎晃亘,出張裕也,荻   和弘,三木善樹,

………………………………………… 小林淳一,上田  愛,五十嵐友彦,島西真琴,仲盛健治,

………………………………………… 宮川 明,関口 隆,井出 隆           (7-11)


…………………………………………………………………………………………… 高橋弘毅(13-17)

原    著

1.Net-step exercise and depressive symptoms among the community-dwelling elderly in Japan

………………Satoko SHOWA, Kazutoshi KITAZAWA, Miki TAKEUCHI, Mitsuru MORI   (19-26)

2.   Factors influencing attitudes toward end-of-life care by  care  workers  at  special  nursing

homes for the elderly: A cross-sectional study in Japan

………………………………………  Michiyo  YAMAMOTO,  Hirofumi  OHNISHI,  Asae  OURA,

…………………Takeshi  YAMAMOTO,  Hisako  IZUMI,  Miwa SUZUMURA,Mitsuru MORI      (27-33)


1.Increased duodenal iron absorption through up-regulation of  divalent  metal  transporter

1 from enhancement of iron regulatory protein 1 activity in patients with nonalcoholic

steatohepatitis. Hepatology. 2015 Sep; 62(3): 751-761

………………………………………………………………………… Toshifumi HOKI et al. (36-37)

2.Evaluation of language function under awake.

Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2015; 55(5): 367-373

………………………………………………………… Aya KANNO and Nobuhiro MIKUNI (38-39)

3.Suppression of bone marrow-derived microglia in the amygdala improves anxiety-like behavior

induced by chronic partial sciatic nerve ligation in mice. PAIN 2014; 155(9): 1762-1772

………………………………………………………………………… Atsushi SAWADA et al. (40-41)

4.Intravenous preload of mesenchymal stem cells rescues erectile function in a rat model of

cavernous nerve injury. J Sex Med 2015; 12(8): 1713-1721

………………………………………………………………………… Akio TAKAYANAGI et al. (42-43)

5.Downregulation of miR122 by grainyhead like-2 restricts the hepatocytic differentiation potential

of adult liver progenitor cells. Development 2014; 141(23): 4448-4456

………………………………………………………………………… Naoki TANIMIZU et al. (44-45)


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